§ 37-3.2-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have thefollowing meanings unless the context shall indicate another or differentmeaning or intent:
(1) "Quonset Point buildings" means the buildings at the siteof Quonset Point naval air station in the town of North Kingstown and situatedon the reverter real property, or the surplus real property, including, withoutbeing limited to, the following: buildings number 1, 2, 16, 17, 60, 151, 374,375, 406, 483, 484, 488, 536, 537, DG12 and DT38.
(2) "Reverter real property" means that real property morefully described in P.L. 1939, ch. 696, together with all later additions oraccretions thereto resulting from filling in or otherwise, title to which hasreverted or will revert to the state pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 1939,ch. 696.
(3) "Reverter personal property" means the personal property(which may include any of the Quonset Point buildings to the extent that theyare deemed to be personal property) located on the reverter real property.
(4) "Surplus real property" means such real property as shallbe transferred, assigned, or conveyed to the state by the United Statespursuant to the provisions of § 13 (g) of the surplus property act of1944, 50 U.S.C. App. § 1622 (g), or pursuant to the provisions of anyother applicable law of the United States.
(5) "Surplus personal property" means such personal property,in addition to the reverter personal property, as shall be transferred,assigned, or conveyed to the state by the United States pursuant to theprovisions of § 13 (g) of the surplus property act of 1944 or pursuant tothe provisions of any other applicable law of the United States.