§ 37-5-7 Commuter parking facilities. The department and director are authorized to plan, construct, and maintain, orto enter into agreements with federal, state, or local governmental agencies inconnection with commuter parking facilities at locations which would encouragethe use of mass transportation and reduce peak traffic demands on highwaysystems. The provisions of the agreements may be carried out by the directorwith other governmental agencies as necessity, convenience, or economyrequires. The director shall have authority to enter into agreements withfederal agencies for federal financial aid and to do any and all other acts andthings necessary or desirable to take advantage of the financial aid. Contractsfor the construction shall be carried out in the manner provided by law forpublic works. The director may acquire in the name of the state such realproperty as is necessary to construct and maintain commuter parking facilitiesin the same manner and with like powers as authorized and exercised by thedirector in acquiring real property for state highway purposes in accordancewith chapter 6 of title 37.