§ 37-6.1-11 Reservoir program Rulesand regulations for relocation payments Maximum payments. Payments under § 37-6.1-10 shall be subject to such rules and regulationsas may be prescribed by the water resources board and shall not exceed twohundred dollars ($200) in the case of an individual or family, or threethousand dollars ($3,000) in the case of a business concern (including theoperation of a farm) or nonprofit organization. In the case of a business(including the operation of a farm) and in the case of a non-profitorganization, the allowable expenses for transportation under this sectionshall not exceed the cost of moving fifty (50) miles from the point from whichthe business or organization is being displaced. The rules and regulations mayinclude provisions authorizing relocation payments to be made to individualsand families of fixed amounts (not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200) in anycase) in lieu of their respective, reasonable, and necessary moving expenses.