§ 37-6-1 State properties committee Composition. There is hereby created and established a committee to be known as the stateproperties committee to act in cooperation with the departments, boards,bureaus, commissions, and agencies of the state for the purpose of acquiring,administering, and disposing of interests in land and other real property forthe improvement of the administration of the state government, the advancementof commerce, and the protection and improvement of the health, welfare, andsafety of the inhabitants of this state. The committee shall be composed of amember appointed by the director of the department of administration to serveas chairperson; the attorney general, serving ex-officio; the generaltreasurer, serving as a nonvoting ex-officio member; the director of thedepartment of administration, serving ex-officio; and two (2) membersrepresenting the public, appointed by the governor with the advice and consentof the senate. The ex-officio members, including the chairperson, may from timeto time designate a subordinate, from within his or her department or division,as a substitute member of the committee, in his or her stead, by filing awritten notice thereof, in the office of the secretary of state. Anydesignation may be revoked at any time by filing a written revocation in thesecretary of state's office. The public member shall be appointed by thegovernor to serve for a term of three (3) years and until his or her successoris appointed and qualified, the appointment to be made for a term commencingMarch 1, 1961, and each third year thereafter.