§ 37-6-10 Acquisition of limited orencumbered title. Whenever in the opinion of the acquiring authority the purposes for whichcontrol over any land or other real property is needed are not essentiallyimpaired by the acquisition of an interest in the land, or other real propertyless than a fee simple, or less than perpetual in duration, or subject to anyeasements or rights of way, or subject to reserved or outstanding interests orrights, and there is a substantial saving in cost by acquiring limited title ortitle subject to the encumbrances, reserved or outstanding interests or rightsin the land or other real property, as compared with the cost of acquiring feesimple unencumbered title thereto, the acquiring authority shall be and herebyis authorized and empowered, with the approval of the state propertiescommittee, to take and accept an interest less than a fee simple in the land orreal property, or for a limited period of time, or subject to easements, rightsof way, reserved or outstanding interests or rights, and the attorney generalin that case may approve the limited title or title subject to easements,rights of way, reservations, or outstanding interests or rights.