§ 37-6-13.1 Authorization of condemnationfor state office buildings. Whenever in the opinion of the director of administration the acquisition ofland or other real property or any interest, estate, or right therein isnecessary or advantageous for the construction of state office buildings,including parking areas required therefor, and other related facilities withinthat parcel of real estate bounded on the north by Orms Street, on the west byFreeway Service Drive, on the south by Smith Street and on the east by therailroad tracks of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad Company,except that portion of the parcel owned by St. Patrick's Church, Providence,Rhode Island, the state properties committee may authorize the acquisitionthereof by condemnation proceedings; provided, however, the state propertiescommittee shall not authorize any land or estate owned and used by any railroadcompany to be taken by condemnation until after a hearing before the divisionof public utilities and carriers and until the consent of the division ofpublic utilities and carriers to the taking shall be given.