§ 37-6-16 Publication of notice ofcondemnation. (a) After the filing of the description and statement, the acquiring authorityshall cause a notice of condemnation to be published in the newspaper ofgreatest circulation in the city or town where the land or other real propertyis located at least once a week for three (3) successive weeks. The noticeshall contain the name of the acquiring authority, the plat number of thetaking, the date the condemnation was authorized by the state propertiescommittee, the date of the taking, the property interest or interests acquired,the purpose of the taking, and the location of the area of the condemnationtogether with a statement that the complete description may be obtained fromthe office of the director of the condemning authority.
(b) For the purposes of this statute, a notice insubstantially the following form will suffice: NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION [Plat Number]. Location: [City or Town] [Street, streets or area or location of taking]. The [condemningauthority] pursuant to authorization received from the state propertiescommittee on [date] did on [date] take [fee, simpletitle, permanent easements, temporary easements, or other interest inproperty] in the location referred to above for [purpose oftaking]. A complete description of the taking may be obtained from[the office of the director of the condemning authority, address].