§ 37-6-18 Petition for assessment ofdamages by jury. Any owner of, or any person entitled to any estate or right in, or interestedin any part of the land or other real property so taken, who cannot agree withthe acquiring authority upon the price to be paid for his or her estate, right,or interest in land or other real property so taken and the appurtenant damageto the remainder, may within one year from the filing of the description andstatement aforesaid, apply by petition to the superior court in the county ofProvidence or to the superior court for one of the counties in which the landor other real property may be situated, setting forth the taking of his or herland or his or her estate or interest therein and praying for an assessment ofdamages by a jury. Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall causetwenty (20) days notice of the pendency thereof to be given to the acquiringauthority by serving the head thereof with a certified copy thereof and byleaving certified copies thereof at the office of the attorney general and atthe office of the state properties committee.