§ 37-6-2 Rules, regulations, andprocedures of committee. (a) The state properties committee is hereby authorized and empowered to adoptand prescribe rules of procedure and regulations, and from time to time amend,change, and eliminate rules and regulations, and make such orders and performsuch actions as it may deem necessary to the proper administration of thischapter and §§ 37-7-1 37-7-9. In the performance of thecommission's duties hereunder, the commission may in any particular caseprescribe a variation in procedure or regulation when it shall deem itnecessary in view of the exigencies of the case and the importance of speedyaction in order to carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter and§§ 37-7-1 37-7-9. The commission shall file written noticethereof in the office of the secretary of state. All filings shall be availablefor public inspection.
(b) The following siting criteria shall be utilized whenevercurrent existing leases expire or additional office space is needed:
(1) A preference shall be given to sites designated asenterprise zone census tracts pursuant to chapter 64.3 of title 42, or inblighted and/or substandard areas pursuant to § 45-31-8, or in downtowncommercial areas where it can be shown the facilities would make a significantimpact on the economic vitality of the community's central business district;
(2) Consideration should be given to adequate access viapublic transportation for both employees as well as the public being served,and, where appropriate, adequate parking;
(3) A site must be consistent with the respective community'slocal comprehensive plan; and
(4) The division of planning within the department ofadministration shall be included in the evaluation of all future leaseproposals.
(c) The state properties committee shall explain, in writing,how each site selected by the committee for a state facility meets the criteriadescribed in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) For any lease, rental agreement or extension of anexisting rental agreement for leased office and operating space which carries aterm of five (5) years or longer, including any options or extensions thatbring the total term to five (5) years or longer, where the state is the tenantand the aggregate rent of the terms exceeds five hundred thousand dollars($500,000) the state properties committee shall request approval of the generalassembly prior to entering into any new agreements or signing any extensionswith existing landlords. The state properties committee, in the form of aresolution, shall provide information relating to the purpose of the lease orrental agreement, the agency's current lease or rental costs, the expirationdate of any present lease or rental agreement, the range of costs of a newlease or rental agreement, the proposed term of a new agreement, and thelocation and owner of the desired property.