§ 37-6-25 Liberal construction Technicalities Severability. The provisions of this chapter and §§ 37-7-1 37-7-9 shall beconstrued liberally in order to accomplish the purposes hereof, and where anyspecific power is given to the state properties committee or the acquiringauthority by the provisions thereof, the statement thereof shall not be held toexclude or impair any implied and incidental powers and such additional powers,not inconsistent with any express provisions of this chapter and §§37-7-1 37-7-9, which may constitutionally be conferred upon it, as maybe proper and reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapterand §§ 37-7-1 37-7-9. No order, rule, regulation, or action ofthe state properties committee shall be declared inoperative, illegal, or voidfor any omission of a technical nature in respect thereto. If any provision ofthis chapter or §§ 37-7-1 37-7-9, or any order, rule, orregulation made or action performed under them, or the application of aprovision to any person or under any circumstances shall be held invalid by adecision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this chapterand §§ 37-7-1 37-7-9, or of the order, rule, regulation, oraction and the application of a provision to other persons or under othercircumstances, shall not be affected by the decision. The invalidity of anysection or sections or parts of any section or sections of this chapter or of§§ 37-7-1 37-7-9, shall not affect the validity of theremainder of the chapter and sections, and it is hereby declared to be thelegislative intent that the chapter and sections would have been enacted if theinvalid parts had not been included therein.