§ 37-6-30 Registry of leases. (a) The chief purchasing officer as defined in subsection 37-2-7(3) shall causeto be established a registry of leases which shall be indexed and copies shallbe kept of all leases entered into by the state or any of its agencies. Thestate and any department, board, bureau, commission, officer, or agency of thestate entering into a lease agreement shall submit a copy of the lease to thechief purchasing officer for inclusion in the registry of leases no later thanthree (3) business days after execution of the lease. The registry shall indexleases by property location, name and address of lessor and lessee, date ofexecution, and date of expiration. The registry shall contain certificates ofcompliance issued by all public corporations and quasi-public agencies thathave fulfilled the requirements of subsection (c) herein. All leases enteredinto the registry on or after July 1, 2008 shall remain in the registry forfive (5) years subsequent to the date of expiration of the lease. The chiefpurchasing officer shall maintain the registry of leases and copies of theregistry and all leases and certificates of compliance contained therein shallbe made available for public inspection. The chief purchasing officer shallpost on the division's website the registry of leases and each lease containedtherein no later than three (3) business days after receipt of each lease.
(b) The chief purchasing officer shall electronicallytransmit the registry of leases and certificates of compliance to the secretaryof state for posting online, in accordance with rules and regulations whichshall be promulgated by the secretary of state. Thereafter, the chiefpurchasing officer shall electronically transmit to the secretary of state forposting online, each lease and certificate of compliance described insubsection (a) no later than three (3) business days after receipt of thelease. This requirement of electronic transmission of the registry of leasesand subsequently executed leases and certificates of compliance with thesecretary of state shall take effect on January 1, 2009.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary,including any provision exempting any entity from the requirements of thischapter, all public corporations as defined in subsection 35-20-5(4) andquasi-public agencies shall cause to be established a registry of all itsleases which shall be indexed, and copies shall be kept of all such leases.Each public corporation or quasi-public agency shall maintain a registry of itsleases and copies of the registry and all leases contained therein shall bemade available for public inspection. The public corporation or quasi-publicagency shall post on it's website the registry of leases and each leasecontained therein no later than three (3) business days after execution of eachlease. The registry shall index leases by property location, name and addressof lessor and lessee, date of execution, and date of expiration. All leasesentered into the registry on or after July 1, 2008 shall remain in the registryfor five (5) years subsequent to the date of expiration. The public corporationor quasi-public agency shall electronically transmit the registry of leases tothe secretary of state for posting online, in accordance with rules andregulations which shall be promulgated by the secretary of state. Thereafter,the public corporation or quasi-public agency shall electronically transmit tothe secretary of state for posting online, each lease described herein no laterthan three (3) business days after the execution of the lease. Once theelectronic transmission has been completed, the public corporation orquasi-public agency shall issue no later than three (3) business days after theexecution of the lease a certificate stating its compliance with therequirements of this subsection to the chief purchasing officer. Thisrequirement of electronic transmission of the registry of leases andsubsequently executed leases with the secretary of state shall take effect onJanuary 1, 2009.
(d) The secretary of state shall maintain, on the agency'swebsite, an online database of leases and certificates of compliance requiredby this chapter. The online database shall be organized to promote transparencyand be easily accessible to the public. The online database shall be searchableby property, location, name and address of lessor and lessee, date ofexecution, and date of expiration.