§ 37-6-7 Consideration of public interest Certificate that state employee is not interested in site selected. In the selection of a site for acquisition for any public use, reference shallbe had to the interest and convenience of the public, as well as to the bestinterests of the state government. The state properties committee shall havethe power, and it shall be its duty, to set aside any selection which in itsopinion has not been made solely with reference thereto. Before any site shallbe finally adopted, each and every state employee acting in the selection ofthe site shall make and file with the committee a certificate under penalty ofperjury that he or she is not, at the time of making the certificate, and wasnot at the date of making the selection of the site, directly or indirectly,interested in the property selected for the same, and that he or she has notreceived and will not receive, either directly or indirectly, any inducement,commission, brokerage, fee, consideration, gift, or reward for or as a resultof the selection or acquisition of the site.