§ 37-7.1-1 Executive director of economicdevelopment corporation Authorization. (a) The executive director of the economic development corporation, with theapproval of the state properties committee, is hereby authorized and empoweredto sell, transfer, and convey in fee simple or otherwise in the name of and forthe state of Rhode Island to the greater Providence chamber of commerce, anonprofit corporation, certain real estate and improvements thereon belongingto the state of Rhode Island situated in the city of Providence and known asthe west building of the union station complex in such manner and upon suchterms and conditions as may in the judgment of the state properties committeebe most advantageous to the public interest.
(b) The executive director, with the approval of the stateproperties committee, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, andconvey in fee simple or otherwise, in the name of and for the state of RhodeIsland, to the Rhode Island economic development corporation any or all right,title, and interest now held or later acquired by the state in and to any realproperty, together with improvements thereon, situated within the capitalcenter special development district in the city of Providence as provided byordinance of the city council of the city of Providence in such manner and uponsuch terms and conditions as may in the judgment of the state propertiescommittee be most advantageous to the public interest.
(c) The director, with the approval of the state propertiescommittee, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, and convey infee simple or otherwise, in the name of and for the state of Rhode Island, tothe Rhode Island economic development corporation, those certain parcels ofreal estate, or any portions thereof, and improvements thereon belonging to thestate of Rhode Island for the purposes hereinafter set forth:
(1) Parcel (1) situated in the city of Cranston at thesoutheasterly corner of Route 37 and Pontiac Avenue consisting of twelve andfifty-two hundredths (12.52) acres of land, more or less, now occupied by thedepartment of transportation maintenance garage; and
(2) Parcel (2) situated in the city of Cranston at thesoutheasterly corner of New London Avenue and Sockanosset Cross Road being aportion of state owned property identified in the tax assessors' records in thecity of Cranston as Assessor's Plat 14, Assessor's Lot 1 and when subdivided asproposed would contain eight hundred and seventy eight thousand three hundredtwenty-three (878,323) +/ s square feet of land, more or less(20.164 acres). The northern terminus of the site would be at the intersectionof New London Avenue and Sockanosset Cross Road extending along its easterlyboundary on Sockanosset Cross Road and on its westerly boundary along NewLondon Avenue. The southerly boundary would be drawn from an easterly point onSockanosett Cross Road along the access road to state owned property on thesouth and then in an irregular line in a westerly/northwesterly direction tothe New London Avenue junction more particularly bounded and described asfollows:
(i) Beginning at a point in the southerly street line ofSockanosett Cross Road, said point being the northwesterly corner of land nowor formerly of the Rhode Island Refunding Bond Authority and the northeasterlycorner of the parcel herein described;
(ii) Thence proceeding westerly along the southerly streetline of Sockanosett Cross Road a distance of six hundred eighty-eight and50/100 feet (688.50 feet) to a Rhode Island Highway bound in the easterlyhighway line of New London Avenue (R.I. Route No. 37) as defined by RhodeIsland highway plat No. 1361;
(iii) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundredthirty-three degrees, twenty-one minutes and twenty-seven seconds (133 degrees 21 minutes 27 seconds) and proceeding westerly a distance of onehundred twenty and 09/100 feet (120.09 feet) to a Rhode Island highway bound;
(iv) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundredthirty-eight degrees, forty-nine minutes and thirty seconds (138 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds) and proceeding southwesterly a distance of twohundred forty-four and 11/100 feet (244.11 feet) to a Rhode Island highwaybound;
(v) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundredseventy-three degrees, eight minutes and seventeen seconds (173 degrees 08 minutes 17 seconds) and proceeding southeasterly a distance of onehundred sixty-three and 36/100 feet (163.36 feet) to a Rhode Island highwaybound at the intersection of Rhode Island highway plats No. 1361 & 201, thelast three herein described courses run by and with the easterly highway lineof Plat No. 1361;
(vi) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundredsixty-three degrees, thirty four minutes and fifty-one seconds (163 degrees 34 minutes 51 seconds) and proceeding southerly a distance ofseven hundred eighteen and 90/100 feet (718.90 feet) along the easterly highwayline of New London Avenue (R.I. Route No. 37) as defined by plat No. 201 to thenortheasterly freeway line of New London Avenue (R.I. Route No. 37) as definedby Rhode Island freeway plat No. 1186;
(vii) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundredtwenty-four degrees, thirty-one minutes and thirty-six seconds (124 degrees 31 minutes 36 seconds) and proceeding along the freeway line ofplat No. 1186 a distance of three hundred forty-three and 40/100 feet (343.40feet) to the southwesterly corner of the parcel herein described;
(viii) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundred sevendegrees, twenty-six minutes and thirty seconds (107 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds) and proceeding easterly parallel to and fifty feet (50 feet)southerly of an existing brick building, bounded southerly by land now orformerly the state of Rhode Island a distance of five hundred thirty-eight and62/100 feet (538.62 feet) to a corner at land now or formerly belonging to theRhode Island Refunding Bond Authority;
(ix) Thence turning an interior angle of ninety-eightdegrees, thirty-eight minutes and twenty-six seconds (98 degrees 38minutes 26 seconds) and proceeding northerly a distance of eighty-fourand 59/100 feet (84.59 feet) to a corner;
(x) Thence turning an interior angle of two hundred seventydegrees, zero minutes and zero seconds (270 degrees 00 minutes 00seconds) and proceeding easterly a distance of two hundred thirty-four and22/100 feet (234.22 feet) to a corner;
(xi) Thence turning an interior angle of one hundred fourteendegrees, fifty-eight minutes and six seconds (114 degrees 58 minutes 6 seconds) and proceeding northerly a distance of three hundred five and46/100 feet (305.46 feet) to a point of curvature;
(xii) Thence proceeding northeasterly along the arc of acurve tangent to the previous described course deflecting to the right having acentral angle of twenty-five degrees, thirty-one minutes and eighteen seconds(25 degrees 31 minutes 18 seconds) and a radius of five hundredfifty-seven and 37/100 (557.37 feet) a distance of two hundred forty-eight and27/100 feet (248.27 feet) to a point of tangency;
(xiii) Thence proceeding tangent to the previously describedcurve a distance of thirty-one and 87/100 feet (31.87 feet) to the point andplace of beginning, the last five herein described courses are boundedsoutherly and easterly by the land now or formerly belonging to the RhodeIsland refunding bond authority. The first herein described course forms aninterior angle of ninety degrees, zero minutes and zero seconds (90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds) with the last herein described course.
(d) Parcel 2 may be conveyed together with:
(i) A non-exclusive easement for access by foot and byvehicles of all kinds on, over, and across a certain parcel of land situated onthe easterly side of parcel 2, which parcel includes the existing access road,shall be approximately one hundred feet (100 feet) more or less in width, andshall be situated southerly of Sockanosett Cross Road extending fromSockanosett Cross Road to the road which begins at the parking area situated atthe terminus of the access road and then extends under Rhode Island Route 37, anon-exclusive easement to place, construct, locate, alter, maintain, and repairunderground utilities and drains in the easement area to serve the improvementssituated or to be situated on parcel 2, and a non-exclusive easement to place,construct, locate, alter, maintain and repair signs and landscaping and otherimprovements for buffering on the portions of the easement area not utilizedfor roads, sidewalks, improvements or other purposes, all as approved by thedirector;
(ii) A non-exclusive easement for access by foot and byvehicles of all kinds on, over, and across approximately two hundred feet (200feet) of the northerly portion of the road which begins at the parking areasituated at the terminus of the access road and then extends under Rhode IslandRoute 37, as approved by the director;
(iii) A non-exclusive easement for access to parcel 2, byfoot and by vehicles of all kinds on, over, and across a certain parcel of landsituated southerly of parcel 2, which parcel of land shall be approximately onehundred fifty feet (150 feet) more or less in width and which parcel shallextend from the easement areas described in (i) and (ii) above to the FreewayLine of the exit ramp to New London Avenue, all as approved by the director; and
(iv) A non-exclusive easement to place, construct, locate,alter, maintain and repair a detention pond of a size approved by the directoron the portion on the parcel of land situated southerly of the parcel of landdescribed in (iii) above, westerly of the road which begins at the parking areasituated at the terminus of the access road and then extends under Rhode IslandRoute 37, easterly of the Freeway Line of the exit ramp to New London Avenueand northeasterly of Rhode Island Route 37, all as approved by the director.
(2) The state of Rhode Island shall retain all rights to theeasement areas which may be exercised in a manner not inconsistent with theforegoing easement rights. The Rhode Island refunding bond authority shall joinin any instruments necessary to carry out the foregoing conveyances and grantsat the direction of the director of the department of children, youth andfamilies. The easements shall encompass such specific areas as shall beapproved by the state properties committee.
(3) The conveyance of the parcel of land and the grant of theeasements shall be in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as may inthe judgment of the state properties committee be most advantageous to thepublic interest.
(4) The Rhode Island economic development corporation shalloffer these parcels to the highest responsible bidder which in the judgment ofthe corporation will use or develop the parcels in a manner most advantageousto the public interest subject to local and state ordinances and laws.
(e) The executive director, with the approval of the stateproperties committee, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, andconvey in fee simple or otherwise in the name of and for the state of RhodeIsland to the convention center authority, certain real estate, or any portionthereof, and improvements thereon, presently leased and occupied by thedepartment of employment security and on which the state has an option topurchase, situated on West Exchange Street in the city of Providence, in theevent the state acquires the real property, in such manner and upon such termsand conditions as may in the judgment of the state properties committee be mostadvantageous to the public interest.
(f) The executive director, with the approval of the stateproperties committee, is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, andconvey in fee simple or otherwise in the name of and for the state of RhodeIsland to the Rhode Island economic development corporation that certain realestate, or any portion thereof, and improvements thereon, located in the townof Exeter and known as Ladd Center, in such manner and upon such terms andconditions as may in the judgment of the state properties committee be mostadvantageous to the public interest.
(g) The executive director is hereby authorized and empoweredto sell, transfer, and convey in fee simple, in the name of and for the stateof Rhode Island, to the Rhode Island economic development corporation, thatcertain real estate and improvements thereon belonging to the state of RhodeIsland situated in the city of Providence, set forth and delineated as Parcels1, 1A, 2 and 3 on the survey entitled "Plan of Land in Providence, Rhode Islandsurveyed for Providence Place surveyed and drawn by Marrier Surveying, Inc.Scale 1" = 40' May 1990, revised May 1995" recorded or to be recorded in theProvidence recorder of deeds office, which land is now occupied by the URIextension division building and by the Roger Williams Building. The foregoingauthorization is intended to authorize and empower the executive director toexecute and deliver a confirmatory deed to the Rhode Island economicdevelopment corporation to confirm the conveyance and correct the descriptionin the deed from the state of Rhode Island to the Rhode Island port authorityand economic development corporation dated October 21, 1994, recorded or to berecorded in the Providence recorder of deeds office.
(h) Any conveyance pursuant to this subsection shall be forthe purpose of providing a portion of the site of the Providence Place Project,so-called, and may be for such consideration, or without consideration, as theexecutive director shall deem appropriate. Notwithstanding the provisions ofany general or special law to the contrary, no restriction shall apply to andno further approval, determination or action of any kind shall be required toeffect a conveyance or any conveyance by the Rhode Island economic developmentcorporation of any interest therein in connection with the Providence PlaceProject.
(i) The provisions of §§ 37-7-3 and 37-7-5 shallnot be applicable to the conveyances which have been or hereafter may beeffected by the director of the department of economic development or RhodeIsland economic development corporation under the provisions of this section.