§ 37-7.1-4 Director of environmentalmanagement department Authorization Certain Smithfield property. The director of the Rhode Island department of environmental management, uponwritten request of the executive director of the Rhode Island economicdevelopment corporation, is hereby authorized and directed to grant, transfer,and convey in fee simple or otherwise in the name of and for the State of RhodeIsland to the Rhode Island economic development corporation certain real estateand improvements thereon belonging to the State of Rhode Island situated in theTown of Smithfield, Rhode Island and referenced on tax lot 70, assessor's plat46, or portions thereof as determined by the executive director of the RhodeIsland economic development corporation. The provisions of Chapters 6 and 7 ofthis title shall not be applicable to the conveyance or conveyances set forthherein which have been or hereafter may be effected by the Rhode Islandeconomic development corporation under the provisions of this chapter.