§ 37-7-2 Use or sale of products of stateowned land. Whenever any clay, gravel, sand, rock, earth, mineral, or other naturalresource obtained from the soil or water of state owned real property, or anyoutgrowth, harvest, crop, agricultural, fishery, or forestry product, or anyother produce found in, produced from, or grown in the soil or water of stateowned real property, or any other yield or issue of state owned real property,shall become available to the acquiring authority and shall not be required foruse by it, the acquiring authority shall forthwith notify the state purchasingagent who may requisition the same or any part thereof for use by any otherdepartment, board, bureau, commission, or agency of the state, or may sell theproducts or any part thereof to the highest bidder at public sale after givingpublic notice thereof by having the notice posted in some suitable public placefor at least two (2) full business days before the sale, or at a private salefor not less than its appraisal value, or may, with the approval of the stateproperties committee, dispose of the products in such other manner and uponsuch terms and conditions as may in his or her judgment be most advantageous tothe public interest.