§ 37-7-9 Concessions, leases, and licenses Reports. (a) The acquiring authority, with the approval of the state propertiescommittee, is authorized and empowered when it shall serve the public purposeto grant concessions in or to lease or license any land or building orstructure, a part or portion of any governmental facility, public work, orpublic improvement for industrial or commercial purposes for a term or termsnot exceeding in the aggregate in any one case twenty (20) years; provided,however, that real property, buildings, and facilities owned by the state atthe Port of Galilee may be leased for a term of up to forty (40) years forcommercial fishing industry-related purposes, and provided further, however,that certain real properties, buildings, and facilities owned by the state inthe city of Providence known as the Union Station properties, which propertieshave been conveyed from time to time to the state by the consolidated railcorporation and others, may be leased for a term of up to forty (40) years foroffice, commercial, service, transportation, or other related purposes; andprovided further, however, that real property, buildings, and facilities ownedby the state may be leased for a term of up to forty (40) years for thedevelopment of cogeneration projects which involve the simultaneous generationof electricity and thermal energy (steam and hot water) and for eligiblerenewable energy resources as defined in subdivisions 39-26-5(a)(i) through(v); and further provided, however, that in the event of a mobile home leaseagreement, or site lease agreement, wherein such mobile home is contiguous to aresident owned mobile home park, the State Properties Committee may enter intoa lease or grant concessions to or license any land or building for a periodnot to exceed thirty (30) years and provided further, however, that realproperty, buildings, and facilities owned by the state may be leased for a termof up to ninety-nine (99) years for the development of railroad layoverfacilities, contingent on the lease requiring the lessee to provide commuterrail service within the state of Rhode Island, as set forth by the state andprovided further however, that real property, buildings and facilities owned bythe state at the Quonset State Airport may be leased to the United States AirForce for a term not to exceed forty (40) years for the purpose of makingimprovements to infrastructure thereon. All agreements, contracts, and otherinstruments granting concessions or leasing or licensing facilities shallcontain such conditions, rules, restrictions, and regulations as the statepurchasing agent shall deem suitable or necessary, and shall be approved as tosubstance by the director of administration and as to form by the attorneygeneral.
(b) Whenever property which is subject to the provisions ofthis chapter is leased by the state, the lessee shall report on a semi-annualbasis the amount of income revenue generated by the leased property. The reportshall be made to the state properties commission and copies shall be providedto both the house and senate fiscal staffs and the governor. These requirementsshall be contained in the lease between the lessor and the lessee with approvalof the state properties committee.