§ 37-8-1.5 Bristol County Courthouse. The state of Rhode Island has determined that it no longer needs the propertyand building thereon which once served the people as the Bristol CountyCourthouse and as a state house. Therefore, the director of the department ofadministration is hereby authorized and empowered to convey the state'sinterest in the real property, the buildings thereon, and fixtures, located inthe Town of Bristol and commonly known as the "Bristol County Courthouse" tothe Bristol Statehouse Foundation, a Rhode Island non-business corporation. Theconsideration for the sale shall be one dollar ($1.00) paid by the BristolStatehouse Foundation to the state. The deed conveying the property shallcontain covenants relating to the preservation thereof and a reverter in theevent the Bristol Statehouse Foundation, or legal successor thereto, ceases toexist.