§ 37-8-11.1 Retirement of State Houserestaurant employees. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the provisions of chapters 8,9, and 10 of title 36, as amended, shall apply to the employees of the StateHouse restaurant. Any employee shall also be permitted to purchase previousservice credits in the retirement system for any periods of employment in theState House restaurant from August 1945, to the present, provided he or shemakes written application to the retirement board on or before December 31,1963, and pays into the retirement system in a lump sum payment thecontributions of five percent (5%) of his or her total earnings for the periodin which he or she seeks membership credit, plus interest at the rate of fourpercent (4%) per annum compounded annually up to July 1, 1947, and regularinterest of two percent (2%) per annum compounded annually thereafter to dateof payment.