§ 38-1-11 Assistance of the public recordsadministration program. The public records administration program of the secretary of state shall havethe right to examine the condition of public records and shall give advice andassistance to public officials in the solution of their problems of preserving,creating, filing, and making available the public records in their custody.When requested by the program, public officials shall assist the program in thepreparation of records control schedules of public records in their custodyapproved by the head of the agency having custody of the records. Upon reviewand approval of the schedules by the program, the program shall, subject to theavailability of necessary space, staff, and other facilities for thosepurposes, make available space in its record center for the filing ofsemi-current records so scheduled and in its public records repository fornoncurrent records of permanent value and shall render other assistance asneeded, including the microfilming of records so scheduled.