§ 39-1.2-11 Damage Notice to publicutility. Upon the occurrence of any contact with or damage to any pipe, cable or itsprotective coating, or any other underground facility of a public utility, theassociation shall be notified immediately by the person or public agencyresponsible for the operation causing the contact or damage prior to backfilling the excavation. Upon the receipt of the notice, the public utilityshall immediately dispatch personnel to the subject location to effecttemporary or permanent repair of the damage. Under no circumstances shall theexcavator back fill or conceal the damaged area until the public utilityarrives at the subject location. Upon the occurrence of a serious electricalshort, or the escape of dangerous fluids or gases from a broken line, theperson or public agency responsible for the operations causing the damage shallevacuate the immediate area while awaiting the arrival of the public utilitypersonnel.