§ 39-1.2-9 Municipal ordinances. This chapter shall not be construed to authorize, affect, or impair localordinances, charters of other provisions of law requiring permits to beobtained before excavating or tunneling in a public street or highway, or toconstruct or demolish buildings or other structures on private property, norconstrued to grant any person or public agency any rights not specificallyprovided by this chapter. A permit issued by a public agency shall not bedeemed to relieve a person from the responsibility for complying with theprovisions of this chapter. The failure of any person, who has been granted apermit, to comply with the provisions of this chapter, shall not be deemed toimpose any liability upon the public agency issuing the permit. Anydisagreement between a public utility company and a person shall be referred tothe administrator whose order shall be binding upon the parties.