§ 39-1-12 Prehearing procedure Formulating issues Copies of exhibits. Prior to the commencement of any formal hearing, the commission may in itsdiscretion direct the parties or their attorneys to appear before it for aconference. At or before the conference, the commission may order any party tofile a number of copies, as it may specify, of all exhibits it intends to usein the hearing, and the names and addresses of witnesses it intends to producein its direct case, together with a short statement of the purposes of eachexhibit and of the testimony of each witness. After entry of an order, a partyshall not be permitted, except in the discretion of the commission, tointroduce into evidence, in its direct case, exhibits which are not filed inaccordance with the order. At the conference the commission may designate adate before which it requires any party in interest to specify what items shownby the filed exhibits are conceded, and further proof of conceded items shallnot be required. The commission may also require the parties to simplify theissues, to consider admissions of fact and of documents which will avoidunnecessary proof, and to limit the number of expert witnesses. The commissionshall enter an order reciting the concessions and agreements made by theparties, and unless modified at the hearing to prevent manifest injustice, thehearing shall be controlled by the order.