§ 39-1-19 Personnel Legalrepresentation. (a) To carry out the purposes of this title, the commission and the division,within the appropriation therefor, are authorized to employ such clerks,stenographers, engineers, accountants, and agents as may be required, who shallbe in the classified service, and may also retain and employ experts,consultants, and assistants on a contract or other basis for rendering legal,financial, professional, technical or other assistance or advice.
(b) When requested by the administrator, the attorney generalor an assistant designated by him or her shall appear and represent thedivision in any hearing, investigation, action, or proceeding under this titleor in reference to any act or proceeding of the division, and intervene in anyaction or proceeding in which is involved any question arising under thistitle. In all cases in which the attorney general or an assistant intervenes onbehalf of the state as a customer of a public utility, or on behalf of thecitizens of the state, as customers of a public utility, the division mayemploy legal counsel to represent it, as provided for in § 39-1-20.