§ 39-1-21 Access to premises of utility. The commissioners, the attorney general, and the agents of the division, asprovided in §§ 39-1-15 and 39-1-20, while engaged in the performanceof their duties, may at all reasonable times enter any premises, buildings,cars, plant, or equipment, or other places belonging to, or controlled by, anypublic utility, communications carrier, or contract carrier, and inspect thesame or any part thereof, and any person obstructing, hindering, or in any waycausing to be obstructed or hindered, any commissioner or the attorney generalor any agent of the division, in the performance of his or her duties, or whoshall refuse to permit any commissioner, the attorney general, or any agent ofthe division entrance into any premises, building, cars, plant, or equipment,or other places belonging to or controlled by any public utility,communications carrier, or contract carrier, in the performance of his or herduties as such, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more thanfive hundred dollars ($500).