§ 39-1-35 Conflict of interest. A person or his or her or dependent child, spouse, of any person, who is, orhas been in the past one year, in the employ of or holding any officialrelation to any company subject to the supervision of the commission, orengaged in the management of the company, or owning stock, bonds, or othersecurities thereof, or who is, or has been in the past one year, in any manner,connected with the operation of the company in this state, shall not be acommissioner or clerk of the commission; nor shall any commissioner or clerk ofthe commission, personally or in connection with a partner or agent, renderprofessional service for or against or make or perform any business contractwith any company subject to the supervision, relating to the business of thecompany, except contracts made with them as common carriers, or in regularcourse of public service.