§ 39-1-4 Composition of commission Terms Vacancies. (a) The public utilities commission shall consist of five (5) electors selectedwith regard to their qualifications and experience in law and government,energy matters, economics and finance, engineering and accounting, andappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. At leastthree (3) of the five (5) commissioners shall not be, nor shall have beenwithin the previous five (5) years, an employee, officer or director of anybusiness whose activities are subject to regulation by the commission, or anyaffiliate of it. The term of each commissioner shall be six (6) years. Thedirector of administration, with the approval of the governor, shall allocatethe position of each commissioner to one of the grades established by the payplan for unclassified employees.
(b) Within thirty (30) days after January 1, 2004, thegovernor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint onecommissioner to serve until the first day of March, 2010, and until his or hersuccessor is appointed and qualified, and one commissioner to serve until thefirst day of March, 2008, and until his or her successor is appointed andqualified. During the month prior to the expiration of the term of acommissioner, the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate shallappoint a commissioner to succeed the commissioner whose term will then nextexpire, to serve for a term of six (6) years commencing on the first day ofMarch then next following, and until his or her successor is appointed andqualified. A commissioner shall be eligible to succeed him or herself. Upon theexpiration of the term of the chairperson, the governor may designate anycommissioner as chairperson.
(c) A vacancy in the office of a commissioner, other than byexpiration, shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment, but onlyfor the unexpired portion of the term. If a vacancy occurs when the senate isnot in session, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy, butonly until the senate shall next convene and give its advice and consent to anew appointment.