§ 39-11-6 Hearings on certificate. Upon the filing of an application for a certificate, the administrator shallfix a time and place for the hearing on the application and shall cause noticeof the filing of the application and of the hearing on the application to begiven by mail not less than ten (10) days, exclusive of the date of mailing,before the hearing, addressed to all holders of certificates, and applicantstherefor whose operations or proposed operations would be affected by thegranting of the proposed certificate, and upon any other person deemed by theadministrator to have an interest in the proceeding. All interested personsshall have the right to appear and take part in all proceedings before theadministrator either in person or by counsel. All hearings, investigations, andinquiries before the administrator shall be governed by rules to be adopted andprescribed by the administrator, and in the hearings and investigations andinquiries, the administrator shall not be bound by the technical rules ofevidence.