§ 39-12.1-10 Special procedures regardingthe disposal of abandoned vehicles of no value. Notwithstanding any provision of the general laws to the contrary, a policedepartment which orders the removal of, or which takes into custody anabandoned vehicle of no value shall hold the vehicle for a period of not lessthan ten (10) days. After the ten (10) days, the police department or itsauthorized representative shall remove the vehicle identification number fromthe vehicle and shall maintain a record of the number removed from the vehiclefor a period of not less than one year. After the ten (10) day period suchvehicle shall be demolished. A demolisher, who receives an abandoned vehicle ofno value from a police department or certificated tower directed by the policeto deliver the abandoned vehicle of no value, shall demolish the entire vehicleas received within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the vehicle. Withinseven (7) days after demolishing the vehicle, the demolisher shall provide thepolice department and the certificated tower which delivered the vehicle fordemolition with a certificate attesting that the vehicle has been demolished inaccordance with this section. The certificate shall be kept on file by thepolice department and the certificated tower for a period of one year.