§ 39-12.1-5 Special procedure regardingcertain abandoned vehicles. (a) If an abandoned, abandoned and of no value, or unattended vehicle, asdefined in § 39-12.1-2, is at least ten (10) years old or less than ten(10) years old and has altered vehicle identification number, has not beenregistered within one year, has no established fair market value and would notpass a safety inspection pursuant to chapter 38 of title 31, a certificatedtower shall not be required to comply with the provisions of § 39-12.1-4.
(b) If a police department takes possession or orders theremoval of a vehicle which meets the requirements of this section, the policedepartment shall request that the state police conduct a computer search todetermine if the vehicle is a stolen vehicle. The police department shallremove the vehicle identification number from the vehicle and shall maintain arecord of all numbers removed from vehicles for a period of two (2) years.
(c) A police department which complies with the provisions ofthis section may dispose of the vehicle in accordance with the provisions of§ 39-12.1-9 five (5) days after the removal of the vehicle identificationnumber.