§ 39-14-1 Definitions. Terms used in this chapter shall be construed as follows, unless anothermeaning is expressed or is clearly apparent from the language or context:
(1) "Certificate" means a certificate of public convenienceand necessity issued to a common carrier;
(2) "Common carrier" means any person who holds himself orherself out to the general public as engaging in the transportation by motorvehicle of passengers for compensation in a taxicab or in a limited publicmotor vehicle;
(3) "Driver" means any person operating a motor vehicle usedfor the transportation of passengers which he or she owns or is operating withthe expressed or implied consent of the owner;
(4) "Limited public motor vehicle" means and includes everymotor vehicle for hire, other than a jitney, as defined in § 39-13-1, or ataxicab, as defined in this chapter, equipped with a taximeter used fortransporting members of the general public for compensation only from adesignated location on private property to such points as may be directed bythe passenger;
(5) "Motor carrier" means a common carrier by motor vehicle;
(6) "Person" means and includes any individual, firm,partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, orcompany, and his, her or its lessee, trustee, receiver, assignee, or personalrepresentative, and, where the context requires, "driver" as defined in thissection;
(7) "Taxicab" means and includes every motor vehicle forhire, other than a jitney as defined in § 39-13-1, equipped with ataximeter, used for transporting members of the general public for compensationto any place within this state as may be directed by a passenger on a call anddemand basis, when the solicitation or acceptance of the passenger occurswithin the location named in the certificate; provided, that the vehicle'sdriver may, if and when solicited on a public highway at any location at whichhe or she is discharging a passenger, which location is not shown in thecertificate, provide transportation from the location only to a place named inthe certificate;
(8) "Taximeter" means any instrument or device by which thecharge for transportation in any taxicab or limited public motor vehicle ismechanically calculated and indicated by means of figures, either for distancestraveled or for waiting time, or for both.
(9) "Wheelchair accessible taxicab" means a taxicab designedand equipped to allow the transportation of a person(s) who uses a wheelchairwithout requiring that person(s) to be removed from the wheelchair, but suchtaxicab is not restricted to transporting only persons using wheelchairs.