§ 39-14-14.1 Taximeter requirement. Every motor vehicle used in the transportation of passengers for compensationin a taxicab service over the publicly used highways of this state shall beequipped with a taximeter. Any motor carrier or operator who shall knowinglyand willfully cause a motor vehicle to be operated as a taxicab which is notequipped with a taximeter, or when so equipped the taximeter is not in arecording position for the purpose of registering charges at the time theservice is rendered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, uponconviction thereof, be fined not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for thefirst offense; and, upon conviction for a second offense, shall be fined not toexceed fifty dollars ($50.00) and shall have his or her certificate suspendedfor a period not to exceed thirty (30) days; and upon conviction for a thirdoffense shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) and shall havehis or her certificate suspended for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty(180) days.