§ 39-14-2 Powers of division. Every person owning or operating a motor vehicle engaged or to be engaged inoperating a taxicab or limited public motor vehicle is declared a commoncarrier and subject as such to the jurisdiction of the division of publicutilities and carriers. The division shall prescribe such rules and regulationsas it shall deem proper to assure adequate, economical, safe, and efficientservice at reasonable charges without unjust discrimination, undue preferenceor advantages, or unfair or destructive competitive practices. The division mayrequire common carriers to prepare records and to preserve them, and to makesuch reports to it as shall disclose to the division the character of servicerendered, the safety of equipment used, and the safety of operation, thecharacter of the management and conduct of the common carrier business, and itsrelation to and control of or by other carriers or other businesses. Uponcomplaint or upon his or her own initiative, the administrator may investigateor conduct a hearing as to compliance by any common carrier with the provisionsof this title or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, and shall issue suchorders as his or her findings shall indicate to be necessary or desirable forthe public welfare. The findings of the administrator shall be reported inwriting and copies thereof shall be furnished to the parties involved.