§ 39-14-2.1 Filing and availability ofrate schedules. Every taxicab or limited public motor vehicle shall file with the publicutilities administrator current schedules which shall be open to publicinspection, showing all rates, tolls, and charges which it has established andwhich are in force at the time for any service performed by it within thestate, or for any service in connection therewith or performed by any taxicabor limited public motor vehicle controlled or operated by it. A copy of so muchof the schedules as the administrator shall deem necessary for the use of thepublic shall be printed in plain type or typewritten, and kept on file in everystation or office of the taxicab or limited public motor vehicle, open to thepublic in such form and place as to be readily accessible and convenientlyinspected, as the administrator may order. The administrator may determine andprescribe the form in which the schedules, required by this section to be keptopen to the public inspection, shall be prepared and arranged.