§ 39-14-2.2 Notice of change in rates. (a) No change shall be made in the rates, tolls, and charges which have beenfiled and published by any taxicab or limited public motor vehicle incompliance with the requirements of § 39-14-2.1 except after thirty (30)days written notice to the administrator which shall plainly state the changesproposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when thechanged rates, tolls, or charges will go into effect. A filing fee of fiftydollars ($50.00) shall accompany all filings made pursuant to this section. Allrevenues received under this section shall be deposited as general revenues.Whenever the administrator receives notice of any change or changes proposed tobe made in any schedule filed under the provisions of § 39-14-2.1, theadministrator may hold a public hearing and make investigation as to thepropriety of the proposed change or changes.
(b) After notice of any investigation, the administratorshall have power, by any order served upon the taxicab or limited public motorvehicle affected, to suspend the taking effect of any change or changes pendingthe decision thereof, but not for a longer period than five (5) months beyondthe time when the change or changes would otherwise take effect; provided,however, that in the event that any hearing and/or investigation shall not havebeen completed at the expiration of the five (5) month period, theadministrator shall have power, by an order served upon the taxicab or limitedpublic motor vehicle affected, to further suspend the taking effect of thechange or changes pending the decision thereon, but not for a longer periodthan three (3) months beyond the expiration of the first mentioned five (5)month period. Each hearing and investigation shall be conducted asexpeditiously as may be practicable, and with a minimum of delay. Within ninety(90) days after the completion of any hearing, the administrator shall makesuch order in reference to any proposed rate, toll, or charge as may be proper.
(c) The administrator, in his or her discretion and for goodcause shown, may allow the publication of rates or charges upon notice lessthan that specified in this section, or may modify the requirements of thissection with respect to the posting and filing of tariffs, either in particularinstances or by general order applicable to special or peculiar circumstancesor conditions. The administrator, after a hearing, may establish from time totime such reasonable rules and regulations as he or she may deem necessarypertaining to the form of tariffs, the time and manner of filing thereof, thesuspension of rates before the same become effective, and bearing upon thevalidity of any filed or existing rate. No taxicab or limited public motorvehicle shall charge, demand, collect, or receive a greater or lesscompensation for transportation or any service in connection therewith betweenpoints enumerated in the tariff than the rates and charges specified in thefiled tariffs in effect at the time.
(d) In the event of an appeal from an order of theadministrator in any hearing under this section, the order shall remain in fullforce and effect during the pendency of the appeal.
(e) The administrator shall implement a gasoline priceemergency surcharge program whereby a taxicab or limited public motor vehiclelicensed under this chapter shall be permitted to impose and collect asurcharge, during such times and under such conditions wherein theadministrator determines that the average price of gasoline in this stateexceeds one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per gallon. Provided, that theadministrator shall have discretion as to when to permit such surcharge to beimposed, except that the administrator shall not impose the surcharge at anytime when the average price of gasoline, as determined by the administrator,does not exceed the price of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per gallon.