§ 39-14-3 Certificate required foroperation Application and fee. No person, association, or corporation shall operate a taxicab or taxicabs or alimited public motor vehicle or vehicles in any city or town in the state untilthe person, association, or corporation shall have obtained a certificate fromthe division certifying that public convenience and necessity require theoperation of a taxicab or taxicabs or a limited public motor vehicle orvehicles for transportation of passengers, the acceptance or solicitation ofwhich originate only within the territory specified in the certificate. Thecertificate shall be issued only after written application for a certificate,accompanied by a fee of one hundred dollars ($100), has been made, and publichearing held thereon. All revenues received under this section shall bedeposited as general revenues. The administrator of the division of motorvehicles shall not register any vehicle defined in this section unless theperson, association, or corporation shall present evidence of certificationpursuant to this section to the administrator.