§ 39-15.1-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) "Commission" shall mean the public utilities commissionestablished by chapter 39-1, with all powers set forth in chapter 39-1,including, but not limited to, the powers set forth in section 39-1-3 and39-1-7, and in chapter 39-4, and subject to the provisions of chapter 39-5;
(2) "Division" shall mean the division of public utilities;
(3) "Water resources board" shall mean the water resourcesboard having the duties set forth in chapter 46-15;
(4) "Water supplier" shall mean all water supply systemsregulated by the public utilities commission including the Kent County WaterAuthority, Newport Water Department, Pawtucket Water Supply Board, ProvidenceWater Supply Board, United Water Rhode Island, Woonsocket Water Department andany future water supply system that meets the definition established insubdivision 39-1-2(20) pertaining to public utilities employed for thedistribution of water to the consuming public.
(5) "Water supply systems management plan" shall mean a watersupply systems management plan prepared in accordance with section 46-15.3-5.1and found by the water resources board, pursuant to the provisions of section46-15.3-7.6, to be in compliance with the requirements for such plans.
(6) "Agricultural" shall mean commercial agriculturalproducers as defined in 46-15.3- 4(2).