§ 39-15-12 Liability of landowner forwater charges Lien. The owner of any house, building, tenement, or estate shall be liable for thepayment of the price or rent or rates fixed by any town, city, or incorporatedfire district or water district for the use of water furnished by such town,city, fire district, or water district to the owner or occupant of the house,building, tenement, or estate; and the price, rent, or rates shall be a lienupon the house, building, tenement, and estate in the same way and manner astaxes assessed on real estate are liens, and, if not paid as required by thetown, city, fire district, or water district, shall be collected in the samemanner that taxes assessed on real estate are by law collected; provided,however, that the city of Cranston or any agency thereof may charge interest ondelinquent payments at a rate of not more than twelve percent (12%) per annum;provided, however, that the city of Woonsocket or any agency thereof may chargeinterest on delinquent payments at a rate of not more than eighteen percent(18%) per annum.