§ 39-16-1 Definitions. (a) "Authority" means the corporation created by § 39-16-3.
(b) "Board" means the members of the authority.
(c) "Bonds" means the bonds, notes, or other obligationsissued by the authority pursuant to this chapter.
(d) "District" means the Kent County water district.
(e) "Property" means any or all of the properties of anywater supply and distribution system or part thereof, including plants, works,and instrumentalities, and all properties used or useful in connectiontherewith, and all parts thereof and all appurtenances thereto, includinglands, easements, rights in land and water rights, rights-of-way, contractrights, franchises, approaches, connections, dams, reservoirs, water mains andpipelines, pumping stations and equipment, or any other property incidental toand included in the system or part thereof situated within or without thedistrict.
(f) "Treasurer" means the treasurer of the authority.