§ 39-17-7 Town regulatory powers Appeal. The use and enjoyment of all rights and franchises granted under the provisionsof this chapter shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations andorders, controlling the extent and quality of construction and service to bemaintained by the corporation to which such rights are granted, and prescribingthe location and arrangement of its tracks, poles, wires, or conduits, andtheir appurtenances, as are, or may be from time to time, enacted by the townor city councils. In case any regulation or enactment shall seem to anycorporation to be unreasonable, the corporation, within thirty (30) days afterthe same has been passed, may complain to the division of public utilities andcarriers setting forth that the regulation or order is not reasonable in thepremises; and thereupon the division shall proceed to hear and determine thematter in accordance with the provisions of chapter 4 of this title; subject,however, to the right of appeal to the superior court contained in chapter 5 ofthis title.