§ 39-18-3 Purposes of the authority. (a) It shall be the purposes of the authority to:
(1) Provide public transit services that meet mobility needsof the people of the state, including the elderly and disabled;
(2) Increase access to employment opportunities;
(3) Connect different modes of public transportation,including rail, air and water services;
(4) Promote community design that features public transitservices as defining elements of a community;
(5) Facilitate energy conservation and efficient energy usein the transportation sector by providing public transit services; and
(6) Mitigate traffic congestion and enhance air quality.
(b) It shall further be the purpose of the authority to ownand operate a mass motor bus, water, or rail passenger transportation systemand to manage, to coordinate and to perform vehicle maintenance for a stateparatransit system. Whenever any operator of a mass motor bus, water, or railpassenger transportation system files with the public utilities administrator apetition to discontinue any service, it is the purpose and function of theauthority to determine if it is in the public interest to discontinue thatservice. If it is determined that it is not in the public interest todiscontinue that service, the authority is authorized and empowered to acquireall or any part of the transit property, or any interest therein, of the system.