§ 39-2.1-3 Obligations of residentialproperty owners. (a) The owner(s) of any residential property within the interior of which a gasregulator or gas meter is located shall grant reasonable access to the publicutility responsible for the maintenance of the regulator or meter in order toperform safety activities as required by law not less than every thirty-six(36) months. Any owner which denies the public utility access to the gasregulator or gas meter shall be subject to termination of service, and thepublic utility is hereby authorized to relocate the gas regulator or gas meterto the exterior of the property in accordance with the provisions of §39-2.1-1.
(b) The owner(s) of property with interior gas regulators orgas meters shall be required to sign a consent form agreeing to the terms setforth in subsection (a).
(c) The owner(s) of residential property are herebyauthorized to paint exterior gas regulators, but not the regulator vents, andgas meters in order to blend with color of the property, and may landscape infront of the regulator and/or meter in order to conceal the location thereof.