§ 39-2-13 Admission of guide dogs. Any blind or deaf person, who uses the services of a seeing-eye guide dog, orpersonal assistance animal or a hearing-ear signal dog, clearly identified assuch by a yellow harness and trained by a recognized training agency or school,may enter any public facility of any public utility or common carrier in thisstate, and when riding on any bus or other public utility or common carrier,engaged in the transportation of passengers or when riding in any elevator inthis state where a landlord has the elevator operated for the use of histenants and their visitors, or while in any building in this state open to thepublic, may keep the animal in his or her immediate custody; and the personshall not be required to pay any charge or fare, for or on account of thetransportation thereon of him or herself and any dog so accompanying him orher, in addition to the charge of fare lawfully chargeable for his or her owntransportation; provided, however, the provisions of this section shall notapply to railroad sleeping, parlor, club, buffet, or lounge cars.