§ 39-2-6 Repair and construction ofhighway bridges used by street railways. Whenever any highway bridge over which a street railway is operated shallbecome unsafe for public travel, the public utility operating the railway shallpay the whole expense of repairing, strengthening, or reconstructing thebridge, if the bridge would be safe for public travel if the railway were notoperated over it; but, if a reconstruction of the bridge or the construction ofa new bridge is required for any other cause, or if the bridge would be unsafefor public travel if the railway were not operated over it, then so much of theexpense of repairing, strengthening, constructing, or reconstructing the bridgeas may be equitable shall be paid by the public utility operating the railway.In the event of any disagreement between the public utility and the town orcity bound by law to maintain the bridge, as to the necessity of any repair orreconstruction thereof, or as to the character of the repair or reconstruction,or as to the apportionment of the expense of the repair or reconstruction, thecommission, upon application of any party in interest, and after due hearing,shall make such orders as it shall deem necessary, in the interest of publicsafety, for the repair, strengthening, or reconstruction of the bridge, andshall determine in accordance with the principle herein stated, the portion ofthe expense of the repair, strengthening, or reconstruction which shall beborne by the public utility.