§ 39-20-7 Taxation. (a) The interests of domestic electric utilities and foreign electric utilitiesin all electric generating facilities located in this state shall be liable totaxation by the cities and towns under the provisions of chapters 3 5 oftitle 44. To the extent that the interests may be exempt from taxation because:(1) the interests are owned by a quasi-municipal corporation which is exempt bythe provisions of its charter from taxation by the city or town assessing thetax; or (2) the interests are owned by an individual, partnership, corporation,association, or entity which is exempt from taxation by any general or speciallaw, the owners shall make payments to the city or town in lieu of such taxesin the same amounts as the taxes that would have been assessed were they notexempt. The payments in lieu of taxes to be made under this section shall betreated in the same manner as taxes for purposes of all procedural andsubstantive provisions of law, including appeals, now and hereafter in effectapplicable to the levy, assessment, collection, cancellation, and abatement ofthe taxes.
(b) Legislative consent is hereby given to the application ofthe laws of other states with respect to taxation, payments in lieu of taxes,and the assessment thereof to any domestic electric utility which has acquiredor has an interest in an electric generating facility or a portion thereofwithout the state or is otherwise acting without the state pursuant to powersgranted in this chapter.