§ 39-21.1-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Automatic location identification (ALI)" means thesystem capability to identify automatically the geographical location of thetelephone being used by the caller and to provide a display of the locationinformation at a public safety answering point.
(2) "Automatic number identification (ANI)" means the systemcapability to identify automatically the calling telephone number and toprovide a display of that number at a public safety answering point.
(3) "Communications common carrier" means any person, party,or entity which provides communications services for profit by way of wire orradio. It includes re-sellers of such services.
(4) "Communications services" means the transmission ofsounds, messages, data, information, codes, or signals between a point orpoints of origin and a point or points of reception.
(5) "Private safety agency" means a private entity whichprovides emergency fire, ambulance, or medical services.
(6) "Public agency" means the state government and any unitof local government or special purpose district located in whole or in partwithin the state which provides or has authority to provide firefighting, lawenforcement, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services.
(7) "Public safety agency" means a functional division of apublic agency which provides firefighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical,or other emergency services.
(8) "Public safety answering point (PSAP)" means acommunications facility operated on a twenty-four (24) hour basis, assignedresponsibility to transmit 911 calls to other public safety agencies. It is thefirst point of reception of a 911 call by a public safety agency and serves theentire state.
(9) "Relay method" means the method of responding to atelephone request for emergency service whereby a public safety answering pointnotes pertinent information and relays it by telephone to the appropriatepublic safety agency or other provider of emergency services for dispatch of anemergency service unit.
(10) "Selective call routing" means a feature that routes a911 call from a central office to the designated public safety answering pointbased upon the telephone number of the calling party.
(11) "Telecommunication services provider", for purposes ofthis chapter and of chapter 21 of this title, means every person, party orentity which provides communications services, telephony services, voice ordata transmission services, and wireless prepaid services, including, but notlimited to: audio, print information, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), dataor visual information, communication or transmission or any combinationthereof, for profit on a subscription, wireless prepaid service, wirelessprepaid telephone calling arrangement or pay-for-services or any other basis bymeans of landline local telephone exchange, cellular telephone, wirelesscommunication, radio, telephony, Internet, data, satellite, computer, prepaidwireless telephone, Voice Over Internet Protocols (VoIP) instruments, devicesor means, or any other communication or data instruments devices or means whichhave access to, connect with, or interface with the E 9-1-1 Uniform EmergencyTelephone System. Telecommunication service provider includes "telephone commoncarrier," "communications common carrier," "telephone companies," and "commoncarrier" as those terms are used in this chapter and in chapter 21 of thistitle, and "telecommunication common carrier" as defined in the Code of FederalRegulations at 47 CFR part 22, as amended from time to time and as defined inthe NENA Master Glossary of 9-1-1 Terminology as amended from time to time.
(12) "Telephone common carrier" means any person, party, orentity which provides communications services for profit between a point oforigin and a point of reception by way of a land-line wire connection betweenthe two (2) points. It includes re-sellers of such services.
(13) "The 911 authority" means the agency of the stategovernment in which responsibility for administering the implementation andoperation of 911 system is vested by the general assembly.
(14) "Transfer method" means the method of responding to atelephone request for emergency service whereby a public safety answering pointtransfers the call directly to the appropriate public safety agency or otherprovider of emergency service for dispatch of an emergency service unit.
(15) "Telephone service provider" means every person, partyor entity that provides telephone services to subscribers or wireless prepaidcustomers including, but not limited to, "telephone common carrier" and"telecommunications service providers."
(16) "Telephony or Telephony Services Provider" (see"Telephone Service Provider").
(17) "Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)" provides distinctpacketized voice or data information in digital format using the InternetProtocol.