§ 39-21.1-4 Confidentiality. Automatic number identification (ANI) and automatic location identification(ALI) information that consists of the name, address, and telephone numbers oftelephone subscribers shall be confidential. Dissemination of the informationcontained in the 911 automatic number and automatic location data base isprohibited except for the following purposes:
(1) The information will be provided to the public safetyanswering point (PSAP) on a call-by-call basis only for the purpose of handlingemergency calls, or for training and any permanent record of the informationshall be secured by the public safety answering points and disposed of in amanner which will retain that security except as otherwise required byapplicable law.
(2) All telephone calls and telephone call transmissionsreceived pursuant to this chapter and all tapes containing records of telephonecalls shall remain confidential and used only for the purpose of handlingemergency calls and for public safety purposes as may be needed for lawenforcement, fire, medical, rescue or other emergency services. The calls shallnot be released to any other parties without the written consent of the personwhose voice is recorded, or upon order of the court.
(3) The ALI ANI Database may be provided to all city,state and town emergency management agencies, fire departments and policedepartments of the state of Rhode Island for the purposes of, and restrictedto, establishing systems of emergency public warning. ALI ANI Databaseshall be defined as automatic location identification and automatic numberidentification information identifying the land-line telephone numbers andaddresses (but shall not include the names, whether listed, unlisted orunpublished) of subscribers to telephone common carrier services in the state.
(4) Telephone numbers, including listed, unlisted andunpublished numbers, and street numbers and addresses (excluding individualnames), if contained within the Rhode Island E-911 ALI ANI Database, maybe provided by Rhode Island E-911, on a reasonable basis as determined by RhodeIsland E-911 to city, state and town emergency management agencies, firedepartments and police departments for the sole purpose of allowing individualcity, state or town emergency management agency, fire department, and/or policedepartment to warn local residents of imminent and significant threats topublic safety.
(5) The city or town local emergency warning system ALI ANI Database shall be located in a restricted access and securedfacility located within the local emergency management office, fire departmentand/or police department. Additionally the local emergency warning system ALI ANI Database shall be secure from unauthorized access and shall beaccessible only by the city or town emergency management director, fire chiefor police chief and no more than three (3) department members (who shall beknown as emergency warning officers) appointed in writing by the respectivedepartment director or chief with a copy of the appointment which includes thename, title, and duration of appointment sent to Rhode Island E-911. Theactivation of the local emergency warning system can only be approved andauthorized by the department director or chief or his/her authorized emergencywarning officer any access to the local ALI ANI data base shall bedocumented by use of a secure electronic log that records such access and whichshall be maintained for a period of no less than twelve (12) months. Anyunauthorized and/or inappropriate access of the local emergency warning systemALI ANI Database is to be reported immediately in writing to RhodeIsland E-911.
(6) A violation of the provisions of this section shall be acriminal offense punishable by up to one year imprisonment and/or a fine not toexceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).