§ 39-21.1-8 Emergency services included insystem. (a) The 911 system shall be capable of transmitting requests for lawenforcement, firefighting, and emergency medical and ambulance services to apublic safety agency or agencies that provide the requested service at theplace where the call originates. A 911 system may also provide for transmittalof requests for other emergency services, such as poison control, suicideprevention, and civil defense. Conferencing capability with counseling, aid topersons with disabilities, and other services as deemed necessary for emergencyresponse determination may be provided by the 911 system.
(b) Any unit of any agency or municipality in this statewhich provides law enforcement, firefighting, medical, or ambulance services toan area shall be part of the 911 system. The 911 public safety answering pointmay transmit emergency response requests to private safety agencies.
(c) Automatic intrusion alarms and other automatic alertingdevices shall not be installed so as to cause the number 911 to be dialed inorder to directly access emergency services.