§ 39-26-4 Renewable energy standard. (a) Starting in compliance year 2007, all obligated entities shall obtain atleast three percent (3%) of the electricity they sell at retail to Rhode Islandend-use customers, adjusted for electric line losses, from eligible renewableenergy resources, escalating, according to the following schedule:
(1) At least three percent (3%) of retail electricity salesin compliance year 2007;
(2) An additional one half of one percent (0.5%) of retailelectricity sales in each of the following compliance years 2008, 2009, 2010;
(3) An additional one percent (1%) of retail electricitysales in each of the following compliance years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,provided that the commission has determined the adequacy, or potentialadequacy, of renewable energy supplies to meet these percentage requirements;
(4) An additional one and one half percent (1.5%) of retailelectricity sales in each of the following compliance years 2015, 2016, 2017,2018 and 2019, provided that the commission has determined the adequacy, orpotential adequacy of renewable energy supplies to meet these percentagerequirements;
(5) In 2020 and each year thereafter, the minimum renewableenergy standard established in 2019 shall be maintained unless the commissionshall determine that such maintenance is no longer necessary for eitheramortization of investments in new renewable energy resources or formaintaining targets and objectives for renewable energy.
(b) For each obligated entity and in each compliance year,the amount of retail electricity sales used to meet obligations under thisstatute that is derived from existing renewable energy resources shall notexceed two percent (2%) of total retail electricity sales.
(c) The minimum renewable energy percentages set forth insubsection (a) above shall be met for each electrical energy product offered toend-use customers, in a manner that ensures that the amount of renewable energyof end-use customers voluntarily purchasing renewable energy is not countedtoward meeting such percentages.
(d) To the extent consistent with the requirements of thischapter, compliance with the renewable energy standard may be demonstratedthrough procurement of NE-GIS certificates relating to generating unitscertified by the commission as using eligible renewable energy sources, asevidenced by reports issued by the NE-GIS administrator. Procurement of NE-GIScertificates from off-grid and customer-sited generation facilities, if locatedin Rhode Island and verified by the commission as eligible renewable energyresources, may also be used to demonstrate compliance. With the exception ofcontracts for generation supply entered into prior to 2002, initial title toNE-GIS certificates from off-grid and customer-sited generation facilities andfrom all other eligible renewable energy resources shall accrue to the owner ofsuch a generation facility, unless such title has been explicitly deemedtransferred pursuant to contract or regulatory order.
(e) In lieu of providing NE-GIS certificates pursuant tosubsection (d) of this section, an obligated entity may also discharge all orany portion of its compliance obligations by making an alternative compliancepayment to the Renewable Energy Development Fund established pursuant to §39-26-7.