§ 39-3-13.1 Power to order refunds. –The division shall have the power, when deemed by it necessary, to provideremedial relief from unjust, unreasonable, or discriminatory acts, or from anymatter, act, or thing done by a public utility which matter, act, or thing isin chapters 1 – 5 of this title, or otherwise, prohibited or declared tobe unlawful, to order the public utility to make restitution to any party orparties, individually or as a class, injured by the prohibited or unlawfulacts, by way of a cash refund, billing credit, or rate adjustment, or any otherform of relief which the division may devise to do equity to the parties. Anyaward made in restitution shall carry interest from the date of the injury, atthe rate of seven percent (7%) from the date of the order of the division.