§ 39-6-17 Operation of trains over tracksof another company. Railroad corporations and street railroad companies may contract that eithershall perform transportation of persons and property upon and over the whole orany part of the road of the other, so far as the other has then the right bylaw to perform the transportation, and may contract with each other for thelease, use, or sale of their respective roads, or any part thereof, upon suchterms as the directors may agree, and as may be approved by a majority of thestockholders of both corporations present and voting at meetings called forthat purpose, and the corporation operating any portion of any railroad underany contract or sale shall have, in addition to its own powers, privileges, andfranchises, all the powers, privileges, and franchises of the other partythereto in respect to the road, and be subject to and perform all the publicduties and obligations of the other party in respect thereto.